The industrial vise machine is a machine that helps you to hold objects securely. It is often used in factories to hold parts of machines or tools in place while they are being worked on. It is also used in construction to help hold beams or other pieces of structural steel in place.  It can also be used for other purposes, such as joining pieces of metal. Vises can be dangerous if not used correctly, and can cause injuries if the user mishandles them.

Vise injuries can be classified according to the type of machine used to apply pressure to the workpiece.

1. Hammer vise injuries: This type of injury is often caused by the tool striking the vise handle, causing a fracture or chip in the handle. The force of the blow can cause the jaws of the vise to open abruptly, inflicting pain and possible tissue damage. Hammer vises are typically safer than other types of vises, as they do not use a clamping mechanism, but they are less effective in holding pieces securely

2. Clamp-type vise injuries: Clamp-type vises apply pressure by means of a clamping device that clamps down on the workpiece. When this type of vise is used incorrectly, it can cause an injury due to the sudden release of pressure when the clamp opens. This can cause a tear or rupture in the muscles or tissue surrounding the joint, leading to pain and swelling.

3. C-clamp injuries: A c-clamp is a type of clamp that is used to hold objects securely. It has a U-shaped arm that fits into a V-shaped groove on the object you are trying to clamp. The arm has two flat surfaces that press against the object. This pressure prevents the object from moving. it is important to ensure that the jaws are properly seated on the object that they are securing. If the jaws are not properly seated, they can twist and cause injury

If you have been injured by a vises, contact an attorney as soon as possible. Even if the machine was not operable when it caused your injury, you may still have a case.  An attorney can help you understand your rights and what steps to take to protect them.