Typographic numbering machines are used in the printing (documents requiring security) and graphic arts industries to control the sequence of typeset text. They use a numbering system that is designed to be legible by humans and machines. The numbering system is based on the international standard ISO/IEC 9796-1:2008, which was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Each number in the system corresponds to a character in a typeface.
Typographic numbering machines are responsible for the production of millions of pieces of printed material every day. The machines use type to create serial numbers, barcodes, and other unique identifiers. Due to the fact that these machines are used in a variety of industries, they can cause injury in a number of different ways. One common injury is repetitive motion syndrome (RMS). RMS is a condition that affects the muscles and tendons in the arm and hand. It can be caused by using a machine that requires you to use your fingers in a repetitive manner. Other less serious injuries that can be caused by ITNM include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and forearm cramps. In order to prevent these types of injuries, it is important to understand the risks involved and take steps to protect yourself.
Other more serious injuries include cuts, getting caught in the machine, eye injuries, and more. In order to reduce the risk of injury, it is important to be aware of the types of injuries that can occur with a typographic machine, as well as the warning signs that indicate someone is injured.
If you have been injured by a typographic numbering machine, you should contact an attorney. If you have been injured by this type of machine, you may be entitled to compensation.