Industrial overhead traveling cranes are a common sight in many workplaces. They are used to move large objects, such as pieces of equipment or cargo, between different parts of a factory or plant. They are also used for construction projects and other types of heavy lifting.
The main advantage of industrial overhead traveling cranes is their versatility. They can be used to move a wide variety of objects, making them the perfect choice for any workplace.
Overhead traveling cranes are one of the most common means of transportation in the world. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, over 1.5 million people are employed as operators and maintenance personnel of overhead traveling cranes.
Unfortunately, overhead traveling crane accidents can occur at any time and anywhere. One of the most common types of overhead traveling crane accidents is when a load falls from the crane, causing injuries to the operator or pedestrians below. Other types of overhead traveling crane accidents include collisions with other objects, structural failure, and fire.
If you or a loved one has been injured in an overhead traveling crane accident, please consult with an attorney who can help you receive compensation for your injuries.