Forging machinery & hammers are machines that are used to create various types of metal products. They are essential in the manufacturing process of various products, including cars and aircraft. Forging machinery can be broken down into two main categories: forging and stamping. Forging is when the metal is heated until it liquefies and then it is forced into a shape by the hammer. Stamping is when the metal is heated until it becomes solid and then it is pressed into a shape by the stamp.
Hammer forging machinery can result in a variety of injuries, depending on the machine and the type of hammer. Here are some of the most common types of injuries:
1. Hammer Percussion Injuries: Hammer percussion injuries occur when the hammer strikes an object with enough force to cause a vibration that travels through the machine. This type of injury can result in pain and damage to the hand or arm, as well as fatigue.
2. Hammer Slap Injuries: Hammer slap injuries happen when the hammer strikes an object unexpectedly, causing the user to recoil. This can cause pain and swelling in the arm, as well as possible damage to tendons and nerves.
3. Hammer Tissue Damage: Hammer tissue damage occurs when the metal becomes heated during forging, causing it to expand. This can create cracks in the metal, which can lead to injuries if they’re not repaired properly.
4. Hammers And Molds Injuries: Hammers and molds are often used together to create parts, which can lead to injuries if they’re not handled correctly. Hammers can slip out of molds, while molds can cut hands or arms during manufacturing.
If you have been injured by forging machinery, you should contact an attorney. This type of accident can result in significant injuries and may require legal assistance to protect your rights.