Industrial dry milk processing machinery is a critical part of the food chain. It helps to make sure that food products are safe and consistent, and it helps to reduce environmental impact. Dry milk processing machines take raw milk and turn it into a powder or granules. This process can be done in a number of ways, including with heating, centrifuging, and air separation. The end result is a product that is easier to store, transport, and process.

Dry milk processing machinery, such as extruders, can cause serious injuries if not operated and maintained properly. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reports that there were over 500 injuries in dry milk processing between 1998 and 2002. Injuries can occur from contact with the equipment or its moving parts, slips and falls, collisions with other equipment, and as a result of heat or fumes.

The most commonly reported injuries are cuts (37%), bruises (26%), and burns (13%). About one-third of all injuries result in lost time from work, and about one-half require medical attention. Injuries that require hospitalization are three times more likely to result in permanent impairment than those that do not.

Maintain proper safety procedures to avoid these types of injuries:

Ensure that machines are properly lubricated and maintained.

Use caution when working near the equipment’s cutting or grinding surfaces.

Use appropriate protective clothing, including gloves, face shields, and eye protection.

If you have been injured by a Dry Milk Processing Machinery, you should contact an attorney. There are many laws that protect you from injuries caused by these machines. For example, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulates these types of machines. If you are injured while working in a Dry Milk Processing Machinery, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the company that manufactured or owned the machine.