DateCityStateEmployerBody PartEvent
2021-10-14MccombMsThree S Enterprises, Inc.Finger(s), fingernail(s)Caught in or compressed by equipment or objects
An employee was unjamming wood from a dust chain when he suffered cuts to the three middle fingers on his right hand. He was hospitalized.
2018-06-29MccombMississippiThompson EngineeringFinger(s), fingernail(s)Caught in running equipment or machinery during regular operation
An employee was pulling soil samples and running a geotechnical soil sample rig. The employee was lowering a section of the soil sampling rod into the previously advanced bore hole when their right hand was caught and crushed in the rod clamp. His right hand was fractured and sustained lacerations on both the dorsal and palmer side. His right index finger had a significant laceration which subsequently resulted in a portion of his finger, below the metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP), being surgical
2017-07-11MccombMississippiThree S Enterprises, Inc.Finger(s), fingernail(s)Caught in running equipment or machinery during maintenance, cleaning
An employee was cleaning saw dust from a wood edger when his left middle finger was caught and amputated in the edger.
2017-04-06MccombMississippiROWELL ROOFING, INC.Chest, except internal location of diseases or disordersFall through surface or existing opening 6 to 10 feet
While removing roof decking, an employee stepped on the end of a sheet of decking that was not supported. The decking tilted and the employee fell 10 feet to the concrete floor, fracturing three ribs.
2016-06-29MccombMississippiThree S Enterprises, Inc.Finger(s), fingernail(s)Caught in running equipment or machinery during regular operation
An employee was feeding a notcher machine and amputated his left ring and little finger.