Dallas Texas machinery accidents are a common occurrence. In fact, according to the National Safety Council (NSC), Dallas is one of the top ten most dangerous cities in the United States when it comes to occupational accidents. This is mainly due to the large number of construction and oil & gas facilities in the area.

In Dallas, Texas, there were 2.5 machine-related accidents per 100,000 working hours in 2013, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is a decrease from the 3.4 rate for 2012. It is also significantly lower than the national average of 5.1 machine-related accidents per 100,000 working hours.

The main types of machines that cause accidents in Dallas are agricultural equipment (56 percent), construction equipment (10 percent), and manufacturing machines (8 percent).

The most frequent cause of injury in Dallas machine accidents is falls (38 percent), followed by cuts and scrapes (35 percent) and contact with moving parts (27 percent).

Manufacturing Companies

There are many manufacturing companies located in Dallas Texas. Some of the more well-known companies include:

HF Sinclair Corporation
Builders Firstsource, Inc.
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Hollyfrontier Corporation
Texas Instruments Incorporated
Dean Foods Company
Commercial Metals Company
Dell Inc.
Lehigh Hanson, Inc.
Lennox International Inc.
Air Liquide Electronics U.S. LP
Contran Corporation
ATI Inc.
Valhi, Inc.

This is due in part to the city’s excellent transportation infrastructure and skilled labor force.

Machinery Accidents

Machinery accidents have occurred in Dallas Texas, often due to defective equipment, machinery fails, & operator negligence. If the machinery is transporting people or objects, injuries can also be caused to bystanders

In order to reduce the risk of machinery accidents, it is important to ensure that equipment is properly maintained and that operators are trained on how to use it safely. If you have been injured by a machinery accident in Dallas Texas, please contact an experienced personal injury lawyer for legal advice.

Here are some examples of Dallas Texas machinery accidents that have resulted in injuries