There are many industrial uses for air cleaning systems, including:

-Cleanrooms: These are rooms used to produce pharmaceuticals or other sensitive products, and they must be kept free of all contaminants. Air cleaning systems are essential in cleanroom environments, since they can remove airborne contaminants such as bacteria and viruses.

-Refineries: Refineries need to be kept free of particulates, since these can cause damage to equipment and increase the risk of fires. Air cleaning systems play an important role in refinery operations by removing these pollutants.

-Airlines: Airlines depend on clean air to keep passengers safe, and air cleaning systems are essential in keeping the air quality inside the aircraft high. These systems use a variety of technologies to remove a wide range of pollutants from the atmosphere, including particles from engine exhausts and smoke from fires.

Serious Injuries

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, air cleaning systems are one of the most dangerous types of work in the economy. Many workers who use these systems suffer serious injuries as a result.

One major hazard associated with air cleaning systems is exposure to toxic fumes and particles. These fumes can cause eye irritation, respiratory problems, and even heart attacks. In addition, these systems can create sparks that lead to fires.

Another risk associated with air cleaning systems is falls from high platforms or ladders. Workers who are using these platforms or ladders often suffer broken bones or other injuries.

In order to reduce the risk of injury, employers should ensure that workers are properly trained in how to use air cleaning systems safely. They should also make sure that the systems are properly installed and maintained so that they do not pose a threat to employees.

Air Cleaning Systems are a common source of injury. If you have been injured by an air cleaning system, contact an attorney. An attorney can help you obtain compensation for your injuries.